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The multiplicity of interactions offered by the globalized world on the one hand, and the difficulty of the Foreign Ministries to cover the interests of a territory as extensive and heterogeneous as that of our country, on the other, turns the idea of ‘municipal paradiplomacy’ fundamental, where local communities develop public policy work together with international actors and in coordination with provincial and national governments. To achieve these goals, it is essential that such paradiplomacy be politically motivated and minimally institutionalized.
That is why, at present, the action of subnational governments (as Marcos Paz proposes) in the field of International Relations -through the establishment of formal or informal, permanent or ad hoc contacts and relationships, with public or private foreing entities – constitutes a policy of great importance to promote greater and better endogenous development of the different peoples of our country, through the development of political, economic-commercial, socio-cultural relations and agreements, and twinning and cooperation. With this mission, our “Casa de la Cancillería” was born in November 2019.
马科斯·帕斯(Marcos Paz)促进和发展了市政府与在阿根廷有代表资格的外交代表以及其他国际参与者之间的政治和机构联系。市政府的目标是通过与大使馆、非政府组织、媒体和其他国际参与者建立关系,通过政治和文化活动,如艺术展览、向杰出人物致敬、纪念重要日期等,来扩大“城市品牌”的国际知名度。这些活动建立了市政府与相关参与者之间的持久关系。
Marcos Paz promotes and develops political-institutional links between the Municipality and the Diplomatic Representations accredited in Argentina and other international actors. With the aim of expanding the «city brand» in search of international visibility, the Municipality establishes relations with Embassies, NGOs, the media and other international actors, through the development of political and cultural activities such as artistic exhibitions, tributes to illustrious personalities, commemoration of transcendental dates and others, which create a lasting link between the municipality and the related actors.
Likewise, Marcos Paz develops twinning agreements with different cities. The objective of these is to generate a perennial bond with these cities, so we work continuously in order not to exhaust said twinning with the mere signing of it. For this, it is of vital importance to promote cooperation projects between both cities in educational, sports, cultural, environmental, etc. matters.
For its part, we strengthen the link between the Municipality and the different Community Associations (institutionalized or not) and between these and their countries of origin, promoting, disseminating and/or involving the institutional and cultural activities of their members (such as Cultural Weeks, Immigrant Festivals or celebration of National Days that we organize jointly) to the respective Diplomatic Representations.
In addition, we promote the signing of agreements with other international actors, such as NGOs, Associations or City Networks, with which we develop cooperation projects or common agenda items between the parties.
Finally, we carry out a task of advising Argentine citizens residing in our municipality who need information on consular matters (for example, information on visas, citizenship, etc.), as well as foreign citizens residing here. For this, we promote cooperation agreements with national and foreign authorities (National Directorate of Migration, General Consulates, etc.).
Marcos Paz promotes the foreign trade of the companies of the municipality through the reception in the city and the tour of said companies of Ambassadors, Economic-Commercial Attachés and other members of the Diplomatic Representations accredited in our country, as well as Trade Agencies and Investment and Binational Chambers of Commerce.
Likewise, the Municipality regularly participates in various International Trade Fairs, while maintaining contact with the commercial representations of the embassies that our country has in the world, in order to promote policies of global presence and promotion of the products of our local companies.
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多年的经验、专注和持续进步是我们的保障。我们的工作理念着重于生产高质量的产品,采用尽可能自然的工艺过程。我们的“El Artesano”生熟火腿工厂占地2100平方米,其中超过60%的空间用于火腿的储藏(熟化室)。其余区域包括冷藏库、加工室和包装室。
Years of experience, dedication and constant progress guarantee us. Our work philosophy is focused on manufacturing a very high quality product, made using a process that is as natural as possible. The “El Artesano” Raw Ham plant has 2,100 m2 covered, of which more than 60% is allocated to parking spaces for Raw Ham (Dryers). The rest of the sectors include “Cold Rooms, Production Rooms and Packing Room”. We have the advantage of being a modern factory in the field of sausages, with a perfect lay-out, thus preventing the crossing of the raw material with the finished product during the entire process and through which the reception is completely separate from the dispatch of the finished product.
Manieri & Rossi 有限公司诞生于布宜诺斯艾利斯省的马科斯·帕斯市,成立于2004年。当时,一位名叫马塞洛·马尼埃里(Marcelo Manieri)的企业家凭借丰富经验,决定研发自家设计的设备,并安装所需设施,以实现一个梦想:制造市场上最优质的烤面包。如今,在“Manieri”烤面包品牌下,我们成功实现了生产的倍增。我们的生产厂房占地超过5000平方米,拥有最先进的制造和包装技术:隧道烤箱、«flowpack»包装机以及一支卓越的物流配送车队,使我们能够覆盖全国各地的批发和零售商,巩固了我们作为本地居民的重要就业来源的地位。我们的烤面包产品,一经推出,必能为您带来美味与品质的完美结合,成为消费者心中的首选。现在加入我们,与我们一起分享美味,共创辉煌!
Manieri & Rossi SRL was born in the town of Marcos Paz, province of Buenos Aires, in 2004, when an entrepreneur, Marcelo Manieri, from his extensive experience, decided to develop his own design of the equipment, and install what is necessary to make a dream come true: make the best toast on the market. Currently at Tostadas «Manieri» we have managed to multiply our production. The plant has more than 5 thousand square meters and the most modern technology for manufacturing and packaging: tunnel ovens, «flowpack» packaging machines and an outstanding fleet of logistics distribution units allows us to reach wholesale and retail stores throughout the country, consolidating ourselves as an important source of work for local citizens.
自1996年以来,Tanto 有限公司专门致力于生产和销售阿根廷传统的「牛奶糖」。我们引入了最新的技术,以确保产品质量符合本地和国际标准。我们拥有先进的技术和设施,包括质量实验室、原材料和成品储存仓库,以及一支专业团队,他们每天都在努力推动产品生产的所有环节,确保每个阶段的顺利进行。我们的阿根廷牛奶糖产品,口感醇厚,品质卓越,已经成为顾客信赖的首选。无论您是在寻找美味小吃,还是想要为您的商店提供高品质的产品,Tanto 有限公司都是您理想的合作伙伴。选择我们,选择品质与口感的完美结合,为您的客户提供独一无二的美味体验!
Is a company dedicated exclusively to the manufacture and commercialization of the traditional Argentine «Dulce de Leche» in all its varieties, since 1996. It has the latest technology to maintain the quality of the final product, satisfying local and international standards.
They have the latest technologies and infrastructures, having quality laboratories, warehouses for inputs and finished products, in addition to a group of professionals who accompany them day by day for the development and fulfillment of all production processes.
Alfajores Capricho是一家家族企业,成立于2020年,位于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯省的马科斯·帕斯市。“Alfajor”是阿根廷一种传统的美食,类似于「巧克力派」,我们翻译成「牛奶糖派」,因为平时牛奶糖是它的主要内馅。「牛奶糖派」通常盖着各种不同类型的巧克力,它的内陷主要是牛奶糖、但也填充有巧克力和其他糖果。我们公司的创始人都拥有44年的丰富经验,在「牛奶糖派」领域积累了丰富的经验。我们曾与美国、智利、巴西、乌拉圭、巴拉圭和西班牙等多个国家进行过出口业务。
Capricho专注于生产传统的阿根廷“牛奶糖派”美食。我们以高品质、口感独特和新鲜风味为特色,致力于为您提供最美味的产品。我们的产品经得起时间的考验,是您满足品味的不二选择。选择Alfajores Capricho,您将体验到牛奶糖派的绝佳口感,为您的味蕾带来无尽的享受。让我们的牛奶糖派成为您生活中美好时刻的完美伴侣!
Alfajores Capricho is a family business established in 2020 in the town of Marcos Paz. Its owners have a vast experience of 44 years in the field. They had export experiences with the US, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Spain among other countries. Capricho is dedicated to the production of the traditional Argentine «alfajor».
La Pompeya
是一家阿根廷公司,专门从事生猪屠宰和分割,以 及切块、香肠、内脏和其他副产品的加工和销售。生产厂位于 Marcos Paz,距离布宜诺斯艾利斯市仅两小时车程。先进的技术 和生产能力使其成为布宜诺斯艾利斯最重要的猪肉产品出口商。
在La Pompeya,我们采用最新的设备技术,不断更新和改进工艺流程,目的是保持产品和服务的最高质量,以符合最现行的国际标准。 对产品和服务精益求精的承诺是公司的基本支柱,这就是为什么我们每天都在 积极改进,以确保客户满意。
La Pompeya
Is an argentine company dedicated to the slaughter and cutting up of pigs, elaboration and commercialization of cuts, sausages, offal and other derived products. Its advanced technology and capacity make it the most important exporter of pork products in the country.
The commitment to the quality of its products is a fundamental pillar of the company, and that is why they work with the best raw materials and procedures, guaranteeing the satisfaction of their customers and consumers.